The about us page seo title is one of the most important elements on the page, yet it’s often overlooked. An SEO-friendly title can help your page rank higher in search results and attract more visitors. An SEO-friendly title provides the first impression of your website. It is the webpage visitor’s first impression of the website, and if it is not appropriate, visitors may simply skip to another site.
What should the title of an about us page be?
The title of an about us page should be specific and relevant to the content of the page. As per SEO glossary the title of an about us page is the part of the page title that is at the start of the webpage, before any link. The best about us page titles are used to describe the content and purpose of the site. It must be simple, short, easy to understand, descriptive to the website purpose and obviously sweet.
How do you make an about us page?
There are few steps to make an about us page SEO title. First of all you have to write below information (using the keyword) for the about us page:
- Meta title
- Meta description
- Body of the about us page
The google about us page can be a great example for that. If you use any CMS like WordPress, drupal or Magento, you can use the written text and just design your about us page. And don’t forget to optimize your about us page URL with your defined keyword.
How to write meta description for about us page?
Beside about us page SEO title, you also have to provide SEO description. The meta description is a hint from the search engine to show what content of your website is about. For about us page, you can write a meta description which may include the name of your company, how many years you exist, where your office is located, what services and products you offer, and also other SEO-related information.
How do you write a SEO friendly title?
There are few factors need to be considered to write a SEO friendly title. Let’s see the top 5 points to be considered.
#1 Keyword: The first point is to use the keyword. Best practice is using the keyword at the beginning of the title. Also important if you can include more keywords in the title tactfully.
#2 Word count: A SEO friendly title must not be longer than 70 characters. 70 words is the optimal width of the word count for a title that makes sense, i. e., it conveys the most important information in the fewest words. If the title is longer than 70 characters, it does not show the complete article in the SERP.
#3 Engaging: The title must be easy to understand, catchy and engaging which is short and sweet.
What is title optimization?
Title optimization is a term used to describe the process of optimizing a webpage’s title tag. The optimization process must perform according to the defined rules by search engine optimization factors. As defined, an SEO friendly title must not contain more that 70 characters.
What are page titles?
A page title or a webpage title is the headline which appears at the top of a webpage and acts as a clickable link to that page. It’s very important to remember that search engines see your title tag as well as your meta description, headings and image alt text.
Are h1 and page title the same?
No, h1 tag and a page title is not the same, but a page title should be optimized with h1 to achieve good search engine ranking results. H1 tag defines a title as the main heading of a page, post or an article.
Is a title only for the homepage?
Of course not, titles are extremely important for all pages, even for category and product pages.
Are meta title and page title the same?
Many people are confused about meta title and page title. Meta title is a title that appears at the top of the page and differs from page title. Meta title is used to make the front-end structure more semantic and user friendly. Page title is the visible title of a page and is commonly used to describe the content of the page.
SEO title vs page title
What is SEO title? SEO title means title of the page which is included in the snippet preview. It is sometimes referred to as title tag, title field or title URL. And the page title is a visible title of a page or post , you can see it in the address bar of the browser.
What is title and website title?
What is the difference between title and website title? Simply the title is a single line name of an article, webpage or blog post. And the title tag of a website or website title is the HTML element that provides a title for the page. It appears in multiple places across the internet, including the browser tab, search engine results pages, and social media sites. The title tag is important for both web users and search engines, as it helps identify what the page is about. In code, the title tag appears on the top of a HTML or XHTML document, inside the head tag.
What is a good homepage title?
A good homepage title is ethically good, when it is SEO optimized. SEO title for homepage may contain a short statement about your business or the purpose of your website. It should be written in a good and clear manner.
What should my SEO title be?
What should an SEO title contains? Your SEO title must include your company name and a clear description of what your business does. Also, keep in mind that the title may appear in different places on the internet and is important for both users and search engines.
Is SEO title same as H1?
No, H1 and SEO title are two different things. The H1 is a title of your page in the browser. And the SEO title is a title used for the purpose of indexing by search engines. The H1 may appear more than once on your page and may not be related to your content.
How do I optimize my title tag for SEO?
Well, to optimize title tag for SEO, your SEO title should contain the keywords that search engines use to match your content with user queries. Also the SEO title must express the motto of the content clearly and sweetly with prominent text. Ofcourse the length of the SEO title must not exceed 70 character.
What is a good title tag?
A good title tag is that which is well optimized by SEO requirements. Also it should be short, descriptive and limited to 70 characters. A good title tag can offer rich results.
What is SEO post title?
The term SEO post title or also known as H1 is the title which appears at the top of the content.
Is it important to include SEO meta tags?
Yes, using meta tags you can improve your page ranking and also your site analytics by making sure that your content is well optimized.
What is SEO title width?
SEO title width is limited to 70 characters. Longer than 70 characters, wont be showed the full title by search enginees.
What is SEO title in WordPress?
In WordPress, the SEO title is determined by the built-in title tag function. A good title should be able to summarize your post in one or two words and include the main keywords.
How do I write SEO titles in WordPress?
Writing an SEO title in WordPress is easy. Just use the built-in title tag function in WordPress, which is accessible through the post editor. If you are a WordPress beginner, you can find more details about the title tag function here. If you use Yoast SEO Premium plugin, it will also provide focus keyphrease, SEO title, Slug, Meta description fields.
What is Yoast SEO title? Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin for on-page SEO optimization. This plugin provides a field for SEO title, which called Yoast SEO title field.
What is SEO title and description?
SEO title is a title used for the purpose of indexing by search engines; and the SEO description is a description used for indexing by search engines. These SEO title and description should be defined to perform the On-page SEO optimization. For WordPress user Yoast SEO plugin can help to do these optimizations so easily.
How do you write SEO description and title?
Wiring SEO description and title is not so tough. For description, you have to write 156 characters maximum and must include the main keyword in the description. The same way you have to write a eye-cathcy title to your article limited to 70 characters. And must include the main keyword in the title.
What’s the difference between SEO title and SEO description?
SEO title is a short text that appears in search engine results page (SERP) for each website as title. And the SEO description is a short description of the webpage showing in the SERP under the SEO title. SEO title and SEO description are the different entity required by Search Engines for ranking.
What is metadata SEO?
Meta data SEO is a term for using data about your webpage, such as titles and descriptions, to make them more effective. When search engines see that information, they take it into account when deciding which pages to rank for certain searches. Meta data SEO is very important for both local and global SEO.
What are the different types of metadata?
In general, metadata can be organized into three broad categories: page title, page description, and page URL.
How many types of tags are there in SEO?
What tags are used for SEO? There are more than four types of meta tags used in SEO. Such as Meta Keywords Attribute, Title Tag, Meta Description Attribute, Meta Robots Attribute etc.
Do meta Titles affect SEO?
Are title tags important for SEO? Meta titles can be important for some sites. If a site has a good title tag, search engines might consider it more important than the page content.
Optimizing page titles of meta titles play a big role in SEO. One of the major ranking factors for Google search engine is the title tag of your page. This title appears in the SERP as a small, but prominent text snippet immediately under the web page’s URL. Read about most common SEO mistakes here.
What is a is an XML schema created by Google and Microsoft that enables websites to describe their content in a machine-readable format.
How long should an SEO title be?
How long should be a title? How many characters is a page title? The title or SEO title is limited to 70 characters. What happens if title tag is too long? If the SEO title is longer than 70 character, the full title will nor be shown in the SERP. And it will impact on the search engine ranking. What is SEO title assessment? SEO title assessment is the process to identify and find out SEO title character limit. SEO titles are important for search engine ranking.
What is the difference between website title and article title?
Article title is the title of your page. It is used in the H1 tag. Website title is the title of your website and displayed at the top of the page.
What is the difference between post title and SEO title?
SEO title is the title of your blog post. Post title is used in the H1 tag of the post.
What is the purpose of a title page?
The main purpose of a title page is to provide an enticing intro to a piece of content, and to encourage people to keep reading. Title pages are also important in establishing an author’s brand, helping search engines understand your website and improving usability.
What is the difference between title page and cover page?
Title page and cover page both play an important role in SEO. The title page is the content of your blog post. And the cover page contains all the important information about your blog post such as: title, author, date, featured image, link to social media etc.
How do you write page titles?
Write page titles with attention-grabbing words, strong verbs and catchy phrases. In general, you should use the same type of words in your page titles as you would in your blog post body. A page or post depends a lot on its title. If your title is attention-grabbing and catchy, you can expect your blog post to be discovered. And an article that is well-discovered has a better chance of being shared and indexed by search engines.
Why about us page is important for SEO?
Should website have about us page? An about us page of a website is just as important as a homepage. It should tell your visitors about your company, what you do and what sets you apart from other companies. It’s a standard to have an about us page but not all about us pages are created equally. So, why about us page is important for search engine optimization? Search engines prefer websites which provides enough information to its visitors about them. It means if you want your website to rank higher in search engine results, your about us page is essential.
How do you write a winning about us page?
How do you write the best about us page? To write a great about us page, you need to present your company’s history, information about the team members, mission statement and goals, some information about the products or services you offer, what makes you unique and different from other similar companies, any awards or achievements and even testimonials of your customers if you have them. An about us page creates a good impression about your company and it helps in establishing trust and credibility with your visitors.
What should about us page contain?
What should an about us page include? In most of the cases, an about us page should contain company’s history, information, teams, mission, vision, services or products, achievements etc. For a clear enhancement you must state, why and how your company is unique and different than others.
What makes a good about us page?
A good about us page should have clear information about the company and its history, list of team members, mission statement, product or service information, explain what makes you different from other companies.
How can I write about my company?
In order to write an about us page for your company, you must understand your audience and answer their questions. So first you should list down questions that customers usually ask. What questions does my audience have? In some cases, you need to provide information about your company and then get feedback about it. You have the idea about what questions your audience has, write about it in a blog post and paste the link in the about us page.
What to write in Why choose us?
In the about us page, You should to write about Why you should choose our company? You need to write about what makes your company different from others and also describe about your team members. Also mention your capacity and strength beside teams. This information will give a significant view about your company to clients that why should clients choose you?. After that, it is time to write the content of your about us page. You can start with a short summary of your company and then write about what you do.
Are tags important for SEO?
Tags are important for SEO. Google crawls and indexes web pages to recognize the content and identify new URLs for each page. Using the tags helps Google know which pages are related to your current page. Without using tags, you cannot make google or any search engine to crawl and index your web pages. After you have filled all the information about your company and then it is time to fill about us page tags.
What is a contact us page?
What should a contact us page say about a website? A contact us page is a webpage that should have information about your company and its products and services. What do you put in contact us page? The required-most information of a contact us page is contact information of your company such as email address, mailing address, telephone number, etc. The purpose of a contact us page is to provide your customers easy access to information about your company, services, and products.
What can I write instead of contact us?
Instead of contact us, you can write Find us, Reach us, Chat with us, etc. If you still want to include contact information on your contact us page, it is better to use telephone number and email address instead of mail to.
How do I make a contact us page on my website?
How do you create a contact page? Well, just write the information in a word processor which you want to provide in the Contact us page. Then create a webpage and publish your written content in the webpage. If you use WordPress, just create a new page and publish your content there. Don’t forget to include on-page SEO information to the webpage.
What to include in contact us meta description?
Your contact page’s meta description is crucial for letting users know they’ve found the right page. Keep it under 160 characters, include your keyword, and make sure it tells users what they can expect to find on your page.
Does changing page title affect SEO?
Yes, but changing your page title can be quite a risky thing to do. You might damage the value of your website and ruin its SEO, especially if you are using any long-tail keywords. If you do decide to change your page title, only do it when there is a relevant change. And if you want to take the risk to change your ranking. Sometimes it can bring better result, if you do it with SEO expertise.

I’m a tech enthusiast, entrepreneur, digital marketer and professional blogger equipped with skills in Digital Marketing, SEO, SEM, SMM, and lead generation. My objective is to simplify technology for you through detailed guides and reviews. I discovered WordPress while setting up my first business site and instantly became enamored. When not crafting websites, making content, or helping clients enhance their online ventures, I usually take care of my health and spend time with family, and explore the world. Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or read my complete biography.