How can I promote my app on Telegram?

In this Article We Learn, How can I promote my app on Telegram Channel Effectively?

If you have a ready-made product like an app you can easily engage a lot of people in using it with the help of social media advertising. One of the best ways to advertise your application is through creating a Telegram channel.

It takes 5 minutes to create a channel in Telegram but attracting users that are supposed to see your Telegram advertising is a much longer process. There are many paid Telegram ads services at the Telega specialized website and free tools to engage your audience.

Tip: Start to advertise on Telegram when the channel has at least some audience (100 users) and at least 10-15 posts (agree, no one will subscribe to the bare channel). Of course, you can easily attract the first thousand subscribers for free. There are many options for promoting the Telegram channel:

  • You can start with a simple one: forcibly add the people you chat with on Telegram and friends to the channel (administrator (you) has the following capabilities). Keep in mind that people you don’t know can unsubscribe right away or even send a complaint about the channel;
  • Tell about your channel on other social media (you can also ask your friends to tell about the channel on their Facebook, Instagram pages);
  • Agree on mutual PR with the channels of your niche. In practice, it looks like this: you make a post on your Telegram channel about their channel, and they will post your channel on theirs. This way you share your audience).

You can also conduct mutual PR with several organizations and mention them in one post.

How to Create a Successful and Profitable Telegram Channel?

Many people dream of creating a telegram channel that will bring money – some to promote their services, others to become popular. In any case, you have to know some important things about this process as well as the main pitfalls that usually lead to failure and discouragement.

So, what things you should know and understand:

  1. Perfect and universal posts never exist. There are no ideal posts because all channel authors note that the audience subscribes and unsubscribes after some posts, even if the post seems wonderful. There are always people who don’t share your ideas and moreover, some people can unsubscribe just because your opinion about one thing doesn’t coincide (you are a vegan, some people eat meat and this can be a reason for unsubscription). It is OK and should be accepted as a rule of social media. You’ll never please everyone.
  2. Personal touch matters. Author channels, insider projects, or where it was possible to guess with the Telegram format and the needs of the audience, work well. The question of the meaning of the message is always the biggest one. For example, you came across the ad of a store selling mobile phones and when you read their posts, you understand that they are just instructions without any interesting tricks, tips, etc. So you are disappointed and quit the channel. The same thing is with any channel – if it is dull, uninteresting, and boring, whatever one may say, the user will not be hooked like that.
  3. Telegram is very divided into niches. Here, you have not only text publications, a wide range of instruments is offered: photos, videos, files, links, gifs, but even voice messages for up to 60 minutes. It is a real treasure trove – you can use all these instruments to make unique and catchy content – write a post with some photos, one audio, and a gif and you’ll get more views than just a text with facts. This set of instruments may help to animate your posts, to make them alive.
  4. Be active and open to collaborations. Besides creating interesting content, you should understand that the Telegram channel is not just an info tube, it is a part of social media, a part of society, so participate in different activities (collaborations, audience exchange, promos), advertise on other social networks, talk about the channel you authored on your personal pages and blog. The more active you are, the bigger audience you can collect.
  5. Track your audience’s reactions to different posts on your channel. It is crucial to understand whether people like your content, what information causes the most vivid reactions, what topics are scrolled down. You can read comments and ask questions after each post making people share their opinions. If you notice that some followers behave badly (cause conflicts, make rude comments), warn them and if it doesn’t help, don’t be afraid to ban such people. It is important to create a friendly atmosphere on your channel, so you and your followers can feel safe and respected.

Of course, this list doesn’t include everything. You may get more tips from experienced bloggers, anyway, it is a good helper when you are just a beginner and don’t know how to start. 

Where Can I Find an Effective Telegram Ads Platform?

But the best way to promote your app is by using paid promotions on the Telegram advertising platform. Paid promotion from professionals works better than free, but if you have poorly targeted advertising, text submission is not interesting and they are poorly written – the growth of subscribers will be slow. But if you choose a proven and convenient service of advertising at the website you can easily gather a large audience and advertise your app.

On the website, you can order the channel promotion depending on its category. The main page is convenient and helps orient prices. You will see how much the ad of the channel of the certain topic. You can see how many subscribers and views you will gather by ordering the certain Telegram ads packaging. But of course, you can choose your custom package and agree on a certain amount of subscribers and reviews on your channel. The price you will pay for the services is low and fits any pocket.

Moreover, you can benefit from the hot discounts that are available for the users and read the feedback from the website clients. As soon as you will gather the audience on your channel you will be able to efficiently promote your app and make business.  

Hope it’s now understandable, How can I promote my app on Telegram Channel Effectively?

Belayet Hossain

I’m a tech enthusiast, entrepreneur, digital marketer and professional blogger equipped with skills in Digital Marketing, SEO, SEM, SMM, and lead generation. My objective is to simplify technology for you through detailed guides and reviews. I discovered WordPress while setting up my first business site and instantly became enamored. When not crafting websites, making content, or helping clients enhance their online ventures, I usually take care of my health and spend time with family, and explore the world. Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or read my complete biography.