How CaptainVerify is useful for businesses to boost e-mail marketing campaigns? E-mails are still a very important part of digital marketing. In fact, they are the main method to keep customers informed on the latest developments inside a company, through a newsletter. However, sending out e-mails need to be a regulated process, or else it could seriously damage the company. Why using a company like CaptainVerify can really be beneficial to all, and how to create great campaigns. In this article we will discuss how CaptainVerify is useful to boost ROI from email marketing campaign.

How CaptainVerify is useful to boost ROI?

Databases need to be cleaned

Using an e-mail database is not as simple as placing them inside a mail sender and pressing the “send” button. If that is the way you imagine your e-mail marketing, then you are bound to have serious issues, rapidly. You need to use CaptainVerify as an e-mail cleaner first, before you even consider entering the e-mail addresses into the software that will direct them towards your customers mailboxes. Lots of addresses could lead to problems. It starts with those that don’t exist anymore. If your list contains too many of them, you will pay for a service that cannot bring you back any revenues. But that is not the worst part. It could also be the first step in the direction of being considered a spammer.

In truth, it doesn’t take much for the internet to rule your campaigns as spamming. Sometimes, companies place what is called a “honey pot” on their website, that could get you in trouble. They are addresses that are never used to send mails out. Therefore, they cannot have opted into a mailing list. If one of them is inside your database, CaptainVerify will find it and delete it, before you send it out. There are also e-mails that are known to be hacked. These are a concern, as they can send you back a mail with a virus inside them. There are a large variety of those, these days, including ones that can totally wipe your hard drive.

Why is e-mailing Still Important this year?

They were there right from the start. E-mails could be considered dinosaurs in the world of the internet, but they are certainly not part of that group, since they are from being extinct. The quality of communication that a company shows towards its customers, starts though e-mailing. People like to be kept updated on new products and services, but they also hate to receive unnecessary e-mails, flooding their inboxes. Therefore, keeping a database clean, with the right information, is a must. CaptainVerify is being used by more than 15,000 companies, because they want to make sure that they stay within the regulations, in regards to e-mail marketing.

The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) has profoundly changed the rules for companies, on the internet, when it comes to data collection. To work with an e-mail cleaner like CaptainVerify, means that the company will stay within the bounds of legality, at least in what regards the software capacities. That is a definite plus for any business owners who wants to stay away from potential legal issues, in the future.

How to create Great e-mail Campaigns

Once you have gotten the technical part of the way, and you are sure that the e-mails you will be sending out will reach their target without ending-up in the wrong places, then it is time to

focus on the message. Marketing is close to an art, in the sense that you need the receiver to feel something, when they see and read your creations. Even before they get to the message, their eye has to be caught by the visual. That is why it is important to follow the latest trends in terms of fonts and backgrounds.

In this current year, we are going back to the start of the internet, where letters where big and bold. There is a simplifying movement currently going on, that asks for sharp and precise title, that will get right to the point. Don’t be afraid to be “in your customers’ faces.” That is how it is being done these days. Although it seems aggressive, what really comes through is dynamism. Also, bright and flashy colours are all the rage. Those highlighter neon yellow, green and pink should be used aplenty.

The Heart of the Message

If there is an artful way to send e-mails, it also needs to be centered on the heart of what you wish to share. Being off-message is very easily achieved and can destroy an e-mailing campaign, entirely. Some people are good at creating concepts, and putting it all together, however, they are not the ones that should handle your marketing mailings. You need someone that can take the sum of their thoughts and summarize it in a few words. That is a totally different job, which implies a complexity unresolvable for big thinkers.

There are two dangers. The first is to confuse the reader. The more he reads and the less he understands what you expect out of him. The second one is to bore him. Very often, if an internet user does not understand something within reading a couple of lines, he will just move on to something else. Such is the nature of this virtual universe. You get a few seconds of attention, and if you don’t manage to create interest, your potential customers will continue on their way.

Call to Action

Once you have prepared your e-mail message, you need to complete it with a “call to action.” If you don’t, you are basically wasting a sales opportunity, whether it is immediate or for later. Taking time away from individuals, to read about your company, has to lead somewhere. Otherwise, you should wait until you have something to offer them. Too much useless information in your mailing campaigns will lead a lot of people to ask to be removed from the mailing list. If you don’t find a call to action in it, add one or put a pause to your marketing mailing.

Final verdict

Hope now you know How CaptainVerify is useful for businesses to enchance the ROI from email marketing campaign. Finally, remember that the next time you are going to launch an e-mail campaign, you need to test your database with CaptainVerify, first. It will most certainly save you from a lot of useless trouble, that you can clear within minutes through this software.

Belayet Hossain

I’m a tech enthusiast, entrepreneur, digital marketer and professional blogger equipped with skills in Digital Marketing, SEO, SEM, SMM, and lead generation. My objective is to simplify technology for you through detailed guides and reviews. I discovered WordPress while setting up my first business site and instantly became enamored. When not crafting websites, making content, or helping clients enhance their online ventures, I usually take care of my health and spend time with family, and explore the world. Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or read my complete biography.