Among all marketing methods, one popular way to grow your online business is via email marketing. In such a marketing method, a marketer promotes his products or services by using the mailing list purchased from another marketer.

To their mailing list, solo ads of your products are advertised. This will drive huge traffic to your brand. Moreover, the biggest benefit that marketers get is immediate results. Within a few minutes of purchase of solo ads that convert to sales, marketers will see the results. It is called as paid traffic that you get from buying their mailing list.

However, lots of marketers hesitate to use such methods as free methods give the same results as well. So, the question is- why to use paid method when the results are the same as free methods? Paid methods are faster and profitable. So, paid traffic is worth investing as they can earn more than what they invest.

Paid marketing- a way to get solo ads that convert to sales

Although paid traffic is beneficial marketers should not avoid free traffic as profitable sales funnel include both free as well as paid elements. However, options are many when you prefer paid methods. Few options are:

  • Buying an advertisement for your brand
  • Buying email lists to promote your product and services
  • Bidding on keywords that are profitable for your niche

Online marketing allows marketers to invest less and get high ROI. The results are not only profitable but also powerful because such methods allow investors to search for interested buyers for their products. An attractive paid advertising way is solo ads.

Here, marketers pay to the list owner having a huge number of subscribers. They share an email list containing product information and offers. The list owner will include the link into their digital newsletter. Interested subscribers will click the link and if interested then purchase their products. This benefits both sellers and buyers as they can advertise solo ads that convert to huge traffic and sales. It is a cheap method to get a highly targetable audience for your niche.

Solo ads are popular- why?

The basic working of affiliate marketing is to search the people who are interested in buying the products that marketers wish to promote. So, people having highly specialized lists are beneficial for such buyers. They usually have a long list of people interested in a particular niche. It means marketers don’t have to find the targeted people who will take an interest in their product.

Some vendors offer solo ads available for all niches. They use social media marketing methods, page squeezing and other techniques to develop mailing lists. Then, these mailing lists are offered to marketers like you. In return they get money and marketers get high traffic. So, all three- marketers, sellers and target audiences receive benefits from email marketing.

solo ads benefit

Benefits of solo advertising

Easy implementation

Implementing the technique is quite simple as a buyer has to purchase a list and provide an email to them. Many people will know about the offers, products, and services of your business when they receive emails. However, you will receive the benefits only when you purchase a list from a good vendor. The seller should have high and active subscribers from your niche.

Huge subscribers

Marketers don’t have to worry about getting a huge number of subscribers as they will easily get them from the vendors. On the other hand, getting genuine subscribers without using paid methods is a bit difficult and time consuming for marketers. Hence, solo advertising is a good way to get subscribers easily and quickly.

Guaranteed traffic

Solo ads that convert to traffic give guaranteed results. It is because the vendors have an active mailing list. Their subscribers are the ones who are genuinely interested in the products. Therefore, marketers are guaranteed to get good quality and high traffic to their website for their campaign.

Flexible options

Such an advertising method offers flexible pricing options. Marketers can either make a fixed payment agreement to the vendors or choose the flexible option based on performance. But pay only when you get the results you were expecting.

Working of solo ads for affiliate marketing

Suppose you are a marketer who wishes to sell a product of a particular niche. First, set the price of the product usually it should be low as fewer buyers take interest in the high priced products.

Here the basic idea is to first offer a low-cost product to customer and then convince them to buy the high priced products. However, you are selling to those who do not know your brand so selling will not be easy for them. Also, remember that optin forms don’t work well for the sales page.

Second, search for a good solo ad vendor. To get the good seller who has a good listing you can either use solo ad seller directories or directly look on search engines. However, look for a seller who belongs to your niche. You can also directly contact website owners and bloggers that write about your niche.

See how good they are and how many followers they have. Ask them whether they are interested in solo advertising or not. But beware of scammers.

Third, since you are direct to them so make sure that they are worth investing. Beware of the fake clicks, subscribers and reviews. What you should do is to join their email list and check how its quality and quantity of received emails per week. Also, read their latest blogs and follow them.

Fourth, ask them whether they allow direct linking or not. Create an engaging and enticing mail and include the link promoting the products in the email (a few times).

The last step is to monitor and track the report. Usually, sellers will give you a report containing the clicks and conversation rates but do it at your end as well. Use a tool that can track the details and analyze the results.

Pro tip- a small number of clicks converts well so buy small for your solo ads that convert well.

Belayet Hossain

I’m a tech enthusiast, entrepreneur, digital marketer and professional blogger equipped with skills in Digital Marketing, SEO, SEM, SMM, and lead generation. My objective is to simplify technology for you through detailed guides and reviews. I discovered WordPress while setting up my first business site and instantly became enamored. When not crafting websites, making content, or helping clients enhance their online ventures, I usually take care of my health and spend time with family, and explore the world. Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or read my complete biography.