How can you improve employee experience in your organization? The term employee experience is very broad. It includes how an employee feels while working in the office, office culture, benefits, and all the interactions an employee has with an employer. In simpler words, it’s basically how the employees feel and think about the company. If they have a positive opinion of the company, then the employee experience is good but if they have a negative impression, then you need to work on employee experience.

A improved employee experience is linked to the growth of your business. It’s because your employees are happy and content with your job and overall experience with the company, they tend to work even harder and give their best. This will help the company grow its revenue more. These days employees have many options as they can switch to another company, do freelancing or start their company. With so many options, organizations are striving hard to engage their employees and give them the best experience while they work. improve a great employee experience are:

Start right from onboarding itself

A survey says that 36 percent (1) of the employees experience a lack of a structured onboarding process. This stat shows that more than 1/3rd of the organizations are making a bad first impression on their new hires. If the onboarding process is too lengthy and tests the patience of the new hires, it can be very off-putting. These days many young professionals leave the job in their first year itself and bad onboarding can be one of the reasons.

To make the onboarding process smooth and stress-free, organizations can leverage employee onboarding LMS. With this tool, organizations can offer onboarding programs that are engaging to the new hires. You can also handle bulk users with this tool thereby reducing the burden on your HR team. Thus, make use of technology to make the onboarding process smooth and hassle-free.

Communicate more with your employees

Effective communication is necessary to ensure everything is going well with the employees. Especially in remote working, effective communication became even more compulsory. However, many HR leaders and managers end up communicating more with stakeholders, media, and customers and put little emphasis on employees.

To foster good communication within the organization, make use of various communication tools to pass on the information and be in constant touch with your employees. Celebrate special days, professional achievements of your team so that the employees feel more connected with the organization.

Prioritize employees

This might sound lame but consider how would your employees feel when the management takes a certain decision and then takes a decision that’s in the employee’s favor. Find out if the projects you assign help your employees grow or whether the employees feel they are growing in the company or not, all these questions can help you prioritize employees. View your employees from their lens and make decisions that impact their growth and happiness. This is by far the best and toughest way to engage employees.

Make them feel satisfied with their work

Job satisfaction is very subjective as it varies from person to person. But every employee likes to do the work that he/she likes, express their opinions, take ownership of their work, and much more. Thus, organizations should focus on empowering employees to shape up the work environment that works best for them, provide tools that help them perform better at their job, and encourage new ideas. In simple words, provide a personalized work experience to all your employees.

Get rid of office politics

Employees feel frustrated and disengaged with the company when they aren’t given due credit. Exploitation, back-stabbing and giving promotions to less deserving candidates, and ignoring potential candidates are some of the indications of office politics. To ensure there is no office politics, organizations should take preventive measures where they don’t encourage abuse and prejudice. They should only operate on merit and treat every problem transparently, that’s how organizations can create a good work culture.

Flexibility in work

A flexible work environment allows employees to work at their own pace and preferred environment. Every employee has/her own way of working through which they can bring out their best. Allowing job flexibility helps your employees focus on their health, improve job satisfaction and reduce stress. If organizations offer flexibility in work, it sends out a positive message among the employees that the management prioritizes employees’ preferences which would motivate them to work even harder.

Make them feel special

Appreciating efforts publicly, celebrating special days together, and offering incentives in festival seasons are all a few ways to make your employees feel special. Also, recognize the hard work of your employees which would motivate others to achieve similar success. Encourage peer-to-peer reviews, write about the success stories of your employees on the company’s official website and social media channels. These are a few ways to showcase employee accomplishments and make them feel special.

Help them grow

If your employees can foresee growth in their job, they tend to stick with the company for long. The growth can be increased income, more impressive job titles, training & development opportunities, etc. Organizations should constantly make decisions that can help their employees grow which not only benefits the employees but also the organization in the long run. If the employee grows, the organization will also grow simultaneously. So, any investment in employee growth will also help the organization to grow.

Respond to feedback

Most organizations take feedback from employees but rarely respond to them. If the management doesn’t respond to feedback, then there is no way you can hear the employee’s concerns and solve their problems. If they feel neglected, they would never even try to give honest feedback. Receive honest feedback through anonymous surveys which helps the employees to express their opinions and concerns more openly.


There are still many more ways to improve employee experience greatly, the list is endless. But the ones provided in this article are universal and apply to every organization. You can find out what other factors that can engage your employees try to implement them.

Belayet Hossain

I’m a tech enthusiast, entrepreneur, digital marketer and professional blogger equipped with skills in Digital Marketing, SEO, SEM, SMM, and lead generation. My objective is to simplify technology for you through detailed guides and reviews. I discovered WordPress while setting up my first business site and instantly became enamored. When not crafting websites, making content, or helping clients enhance their online ventures, I usually take care of my health and spend time with family, and explore the world. Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or read my complete biography.