What is the difference between SEO vs SEM vs PPC and what are the best techniques of SEO, SEM and PPC? You have probably come across the terms “SEM, SEO, or PPC” during the search for digital marketing. You would like to know what these are and which technique will be the best suitable for you.
Are you the one who wants to grow their internet business?
Or perhaps, you are just interested in learning about these digital marketing techniques.
If these are your concerns, then you are at the right place! This article defines and discusses SEM, SEO, and PPC techniques. You are about to read the analysis, which along with making the images vivid, highlights the main differences between them to give you a vision of an eagle.
Without wasting further time, let us dive into the river!
What is the difference between SEO vs SEM vs PPC?
What is SEM?
SEM is an abbreviation of “Search Engine Marketing“. The search engines include “Google”, “Yahoo” and Bing, etc. The goal is to optimize the search engine such that, whenever a person searches for a keyword on the internet or a search engine. Your product appears at the top. This is the ideal case. In reality, it is about making your product or service visible on the search engine’s result list, so that it reaches the target customers.
An example of this technique is simply advertisements. These are such as Google ad campaigns that appear at the top of the page whenever you search for an item. This is mostly a paid method of optimizing the search engine. You pay to get ranked. However, this term is often confused with PPC and SEO. Marketers also often use the latter two terms under the umbrella of SEM marketing. Nevertheless, the idea of SEM is to use the best possible tactic available to get your product or service ranked on the search engine. SEO and PPC, which will be discussed shortly, are the two methods of ranking and advertisement.
Why use SEM?
Businesses or influences who want to flourish in the markets need to get recognized. This allows their products and services to sell. In today’s technological world, we spend most of our time surfing through the internet and especially social media. Therefore, online marketing is the most efficient and logical approach to reaching your customers. Following are some of the benefits of SEM marketing.
- It is easy and economical: The ad campaign services do not require you a lot of money and effort. They provide these services at reasonable prices and setting up the ads is an easy procedure to follow. You just have to fill in the necessary details. Like the brand name and carefully researched targeted keywords.
- A twinkle of an eye reach: Your customers can be reached through these ad campaigns fast. Every day numerous customers are searching for almost everything on the internet and your ads are likely to appear most of the time within an instant.
- Target your audience: The services allow you to select the audience you want your ad to show up to. This includes the geographical area you would like to target for your business.
Targeted Keywords: Targeted keywords are those you wish your post to appear at when a customer searches them. You would want to research them before selecting. For example, you check the amount of traffic a certain keyword receives so that if you use that keyword, it is likely to bring more traffic since it is searched a lot.
There are some struggles you may face during this method of marketing. Firstly, the ad campaign service providers have policies that must not be violated. These are created to avoid any unethical attempt. If they find a person guilty in any way. They will have to pay a penalty and this will also affect their online reputation.
Secondly, for better ad creation, you need to spend a lot of time searching for the right content such as keywords. This can consume time to a good extent and can be exhausting at times.
So this was all for SEM. Now moving on to SEO and PPC. It will make it clearer for you to utilize these techniques for your marketing plans.
What is SEO?
SEO stands for search engine optimizing. This technique optimizes the search engine organically and generates traffic. It is an unpaid method to rank on the search page. There are certain aspects you look for to fulfill the task. It includes:
- Finding suitable keywords with maximum traffic and minimum competition.
- Creating quality content.
- Optimizing On-page (Content on the website, HTML source, Links).
- Optimizing Off-page (Creating backlinks).
A question that arises is that “How does this all work?”
Well, the Google algorithm is programmed to find out the best result. Now, there are a lot of factors that influence the ranking. Some of them are discussed.
When a user looks for a certain keyword Google comes up with all the possible solutions related to that specific keyword. Among these results, the best one ranks at the top. The criteria for the best is that it relates to the searched keyword the most. Google has a lot of ways to do this. For example, it looks for the targeted keyword used in the headings (such as the h1 tag in HTML source).
Google also ranks a page based on its trustworthiness. If there are other pages on the internet with the links of your page (backlinks), then your page is likely to rank more.
Is SEO Worth Your Time?
SEO for sure has marketing benefits. These pros can make the marketers use this technique for the purpose. Some of these advantages of SEO are listed for your better understanding.
- Market Needs: The SEO technique allows you to learn the needs of the market. This happens during the research process. When you study analytics you get to know what people are searching for and what competitions or challenges you might face while launching your item or service.
- It costs $0: You do not have to pay for SEO. Anyone can practice SEO anywhere anytime. You just have to learn the right skills and understand the functioning of the search engine. Although, there are certain paid tools in the market. These tools assist in SEO; They enhance your work and make it easier for you. Still, free tools are also available and can prove enough.
- Increases traffic: SEO increases your engagement rates. Genuine traffic starts reaching your website since it contains the information they had been searching for.
Drawbacks of SEO
SEO is a good tool for getting your material ranked. But you sure want to combine it with the PPC method. This method helps you get paid. Along with the pros, SEO comes with its own downsides you might want to know before starting off. Here is the list of such disadvantages:
- Time-consuming: Search engine optimization consumes a lot of time while producing the work. Not only this it also takes much time for the results to show up. If you are creating content using Search engine optimization then you can expect the first signs to appear after 5 to 6 months and it might take almost a year for your publication to finally become established in terms of the traffic it receives.
- Too much engagement: Once your work starts receiving engagement and traffic, the process grows exponentially. This can get difficult to handle so you need to expand your company and hire people to manage the stuff for you.
- Requires lots of efforts: Publishing anything using SEO requires a lot of time, effort, and skills to accomplish it. It is hectic work and needs to be done efficiently and effectively.
- You are not sure about the results: You are never really sure if the results as expected will come up or not. You can expect failures if you are a beginner since this happens to most of the beginners. Search engines work according to an algorithm. They have been programmed as such. Moreover, there are a number of people trying to compete in the market and rank at the top. So you are not really sure who will actually rank there.
But there is nothing to worry about. These drawbacks, however, can be overcome by the PPC method.
What is PPC?
PPC or pay-per-click model of marketing falls under the search engine marketing domain. To make it simple, ad campaigns allow you to place your ads on their websites, such as the Google ads. Every time a customer clicks your ad, the service providers charge you.
This is done in two ways.
- Auction method: Different clients propose their ads to the service providers. The service providers then select the ads based on the maximum money and relevancy that the parties offer. This criterion is for selecting and ranking both.
- Payment method: In this method, the service providers or website owners simply charge the party for displaying the ad on their websites.
Benefits of PPC
This way of marketing is effective and it is worth your time and money. There are many benefits of using this method of payment.
- Thrifty: You only have to pay when your ad is clicked. It is a beneficial requirement since the displaying of ads becomes free. Furthermore, you can always choose how much you would like to pay for the click.
- Estimable: You can always analyze the statistics. Google provides Google analytics and Google ads tools for this purpose.
- Swift: It is fast in producing results. You do not have to wait much for your results to show up.
- Targeted: You can target your desired audience based on geographical location or gender, language or interests, etc.
Drawbacks of PPC
PPC is a really effective method of marketing, but it too comes with certain drawbacks or struggles you might face while using this service.
- Expensive for Smaller businesses: It is advantageous for companies that make high budgets only. For small scale companies or those who make a lesser budget might find it expensive and the costs might add up really quickly.
- Time investment: PPC requires a lot of time investment. You constantly have to check for the competition. You simply cannot leave the campaigns after setting them up.
- PPC requires skills: You need to know the correct skills for PPC. It requires training about the parameters involved. However, you can always hire a Google Ads Expert to help you optimize your campaigns.
Overall PPC is a good and instant method of earning recognition and marketing your brand. It may prove really effective for you and you might want to consider it if you are an established business. When you can take the risk and it won’t cost you much.
You have a separate staff for managing the time-consuming process involved in maintaining the daily check-up. But if you are not that established on the large scale.
You are unable to meet the PPC requirements and take all the risks, then starting off with the organic method of search engine optimization might be a good choice for you.
Summing Up
Probably, now you have the answer of the question what is the difference between SEO vs SEM vs PPC ? So far it has been made clear that what the terms SEM, SEO, and PPC are. The question of who needs them and why has been discussed. SEM is a good technological method you would like to employ to earn recognition in today’s marketing world.
SEO and PPC are the subdomains of SEM. While SEO is organic and PPC is paid. Since SEO and PPC both have their own downsides as well. You might want to consider them. So the conclusion is that you can combine them.
The methods combined will complement each other’s shortcomings and might be really fruitful for you. SEO and PPC when combined can provide really good results for the publishers and the advertisers.
The publishers can focus on ranking their work organically then displaying the ads of advertisers on their websites to get paid for each click the visitors make. Advertisers on the other hand can start off with the marketing using SEO techniques and then come on to the PPC after they have made enough profit. They are now in the position of investing in their product or service and allowing it to expand for further profit. I hope that was informative and well-guided. Happy Marketing!
I’m a tech enthusiast, entrepreneur, digital marketer and professional blogger equipped with skills in Digital Marketing, SEO, SEM, SMM, and lead generation. My objective is to simplify technology for you through detailed guides and reviews. I discovered WordPress while setting up my first business site and instantly became enamored. When not crafting websites, making content, or helping clients enhance their online ventures, I usually take care of my health and spend time with family, and explore the world. Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or read my complete biography.