Filming a corporate video is expensive, and the last thing you want to happen is to waste it because you failed to write a proper corporate video script. While it’s understandable that writing is a challenging task, you can still make it out alive and produce the best script for your company’s video.

To help you out, here are the steps you need to take:

Write a brief

Your script starts with a brief, which will contain all the necessary information that you, your company, and the video production company, like Zipinmedia, need to know. Some of the things it may include are the following:

  • Video’s purpose: Strategize on how you can adequately translate the video’s purpose into words. Is it a call to action or an information video? Can one speaker or actor alone achieve the video’s goal? Or do you need a whole cast to shell out the story you want to tell?
  • Target audience: Understand the viewers better. Will they be able to relate to the things you’re going to say? Does your video’s message align with their interests? Is your company even relevant to them?
  • The message you want to impart: It’s now time to worry about the actual message you want to impart. Will it reflect well on your company’s reputation? Is it too shallow or too deep?
  • The video’s runtime: Determining the length of the video not only affects how much you’ll need to spend on video production, but it’ll also affect how much freedom you have in the script. The shorter it is, the more succinct and precise your writing must be.
  • The channels where the video will be available: The video and script must jive well with the platform where it’ll be posted. Will it be on your website? If it is, you may want to make it sound formal. If it’s on a hip social media account, then you might want to incorporate some street talk and take the formality down a few notches.


Here’s an example corporate video.

By watching it, you can tell that the video’s purpose was to promote a university. Its target audience was the school’s alumni and adults who wanted to advance their careers. The message they want to impart is that the university has the necessary facilities and setup, making it a good choice for students who wish to continue their higher education. 

On the other hand, the video’s runtime is around three minutes, and the channels where this video will be posted will probably be on video sharing sites, the school’s website, and on the school’s premises as well.

Create an outline and a timeline

You may want to create an outline and timeline of your own. Note that the script’s outline is different from the brief, and the timeline may be in the form of a storyboard. Also, your outline depends on the type of corporate video script you want to produce. 

For example, if you’re writing for an infomercial, you may want to outline your script based on the critical elements of an infomercial. Here are those elements and a sample outline for a dishwashing liquid company:

  • Establish the viewer’s problem: A man, wearing the company’s uniform, asks if the viewers are having a hard time removing oil and dirt from their dishes.
  • Announce the product’s promise: The actor then brings up the product, and they’ll promise that the product can make the problem easy to solve. 
  • Demonstrate the product: The man then uses the product on some stained and greased pots. The video then shows the before and after pictures.
  • Create urgency and say the call-to-action: The actor advertises the product and how the viewers can get it at a discounted price if they call to order now.
  • Sweeten the deal: The man then further enforces the urge of the viewer to bite on the call-to-action by adding bonuses to the offer, like giving away a free set of dishwashing sponges together with the product.


As mentioned, depending on the type of corporate video script you’re making, you can use templates you can find on the web. For example, if the video will be about your company’s success story or an explainer video on how your company came to be, you may create an outline based on the hero’s journey’s seven-point story structure.

An outline can allow you to visualize how the video will go. It also works as a framework that can make it easier for you to write scripts. You can also use it as a basis for your storyboard.

Drafting the script

Now, you’re getting to the best part: the actual writing process. At this point, your outline is ready, and your storyboard is laid out. You have an idea about the actors, scenes, and story. The only thing missing is the words your characters will utter.

At your first attempt, make everything concise and get straight to the point. Remember, your first attempt won’t be the last, as you’re still in the drafting stage. It’s easier to add words later than to remove them.

At this point, your goal is to make a cohesive yet barebones script. It must be able to get your message across without the fluff. In this part, you can also insert action lines, which refer to the things your characters will do on the screen. You can even add parentheticals—words to allow the actors to know the intent of the dialogue and scene—and turn the script into a full-blown screenplay.

Do a read-through

Once you’re done with the draft, it’s time to do a read-through. It’s a pre-production process wherein you—or with actors—read the dialogue in the script to allow you, the writer, to revise and improve your work. 

A read-through is crucial as it’ll allow you to identify problematic and unnatural parts of the script. It’ll also let you know if the dialogues and action will meet the time constraints of the video. Moreover, it’ll help you with casting later as a read-through can aid you in envisioning the characteristics of the actors who’ll fit the characters in the story. (3)

Edit and revise

You’re nearing the final stretch. After hearing what your script sounds like, it’s time to edit it and revise. Whenever you write a script for your company’s crucial corporate videos, you’d often find yourself in a loop. 

So, to save you some time, you can use these guiding questions to help you out during this process:

  • Is the language easily understandable by your audience?
  • Are the dialogues too long or too short for the video?
  • Does the script sound unnatural? 
  • Can the video accomplish its goal through this script?
  • Are there any logic holes in the story it’s presenting?

Final words

Once you’re done with the editing and revision, it’s time to go back and do another read-through. Remember that you’ll need to loop through these processes several times before you get the perfect or ideal script you want for your corporate video script.


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Corporate Employee Photography – Top Tips



  1. “Writing A Corporate Video Brief That Gets You What You Want,” Source:
  2. “Elements Of An Infomercial,” Source:
  3. “What Is A Table Read? How To Set Up A Table Read, Including Who To Invite And What To Provide,” Source:
Belayet Hossain

I’m a tech enthusiast, entrepreneur, digital marketer and professional blogger equipped with skills in Digital Marketing, SEO, SEM, SMM, and lead generation. My objective is to simplify technology for you through detailed guides and reviews. I discovered WordPress while setting up my first business site and instantly became enamored. When not crafting websites, making content, or helping clients enhance their online ventures, I usually take care of my health and spend time with family, and explore the world. Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or read my complete biography.