Facebook is a phenomenon that has revolutionized the way we could keep in touch with our peers, friends, relatives, business associates and many others at the click of our fingers.

They could be anywhere under the Sun, and we have the unique opportunity of getting them within our radar and interact with them.

We could share messages, photos, videos and even chat with them online, form groups with common interests and find many ways to interact.

One of the popularly used interactions is to “Facebook Likes” anything on another’s Facebook page which would let that person know that you have seen the post and letting know you about it.

Simply “Facebook likes” would get this message across in just split seconds and has become very popular not only among peers, friends and the rest but with businesses which like to interact with their prospective customers.

If we were to see the statistics that have made Facebook the phenomenon it has become, there are 2.2 Billion users worldwide, and this is increasing rapidly with the proliferation of the accessibility to the internet.

In the United States research has shown that 68% of Americans are Facebook users and of that figure 74% check their Facebook account on a daily basis.

That is not all there is about 51% of them who would get onboard the Facebook platform at least a few times per day.

This could be largely due to the extensive use of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices from which accessing the internet and Facebook has proliferated.

The popularity of the Facebook platform has drawn in the business community to take advantage of the billions of users who is a huge target audience to engage with.

The platform has paid rich dividends to the business community, and they have taken to it like ducks taking to the water.

Though the business community has embraced the Facebook platform some of them have resorted to practices which do not bode well for the ethics on which it was built.

Facebook likes

Facebook is being used prolifically by the business community too, and they have brought a new dimension of how it is being used.

Some of what they do cannot be condoned, and even Facebook have been coming hard on some which have been to correct any anomalies.

Facebook is trying to ensure that the platform remains an ethical platform for all to use and while it is free to use that it should remain so too in the future.

Why Facebook Likes?

Facebook likes could be considered as a gesture of goodwill, where one user would post a “like” on another’s page just to show appreciation or supporting what is posted.

The more “likes” that a page might receive has been perceived to be a popular one and when that happens’ many others may get on the platform out of interest.

This is what has drawn some businesses to use this simple attention of Facebook likes to their advantage and not satisfied at that have created false “likes” to mislead users.

False Facebook likes have become an issue with the platform provider Facebook also taking it seriously and attempting to stop this unscrupulous practice.

This proliferation of false “likes” has created a superficial environment where when a like is placed on a page it would be difficult to differentiate whether it a false “like” or a bona fide one.

It is this anomaly that created the subject of Facebook “likes” to be a much-debated issue among many users.

Businesses have resorted to the proliferation of false facebook likes on the premise that if they have many “likes” their prospective customers would be swayed by the notion that they are very popular.

This would be a false assumption which does not bode well for the Facebook platform hence the reason for the provider to step in and stop the unethical practice.

This is why you should not buy Facebook likes as it is a practice that is being strongly objected to by the platform provider and they are hitting back by blocking some of those pages.

This unethical practice would be blocked on Facebook very soon, and they have already implemented the steps to stop it.

There is no future for false likes

The future for such false facebook likes is bleak, and it is advised that nobody should resort to it as it would not bring positive results in the long term.

Any Facebook “like” should emanate from human hands and any other robotic methods employed would not reflect as good business practices.

There false “likes” should be detested by all especially the business community who have a responsibility to conduct their business within ethical parameters.

The Facebook social media platform was created with ethical intentions to spread the value of human interaction and to spread goodwill.

Businesses using the platform for their interests are fair and square, but it is when they resort to any practice that would deviate from the principles of what the platform was built for that the conflicts would arise.

Keep the Facebook platform simple and ethical 

Every Facebook user and there are billions around the world like to ensure that this popular social media platform is kept free from any unethical practices.

It is being used by a very large cross-section of humans from all strata of life and has no discrimination whatsoever, and it should remain so in the future too.

As long as it remains so the Facebook platform would grow and encompass the world to make it one big family and that is what is envisaged by many.

The growth of the Facebook platform has been unprecedented, and it is still growing, and millions are joining the platform daily.

It is arguably the most popular social media platform in the universe and is expected to grow further which is a very healthy situation.


Final Words

This should not be spoilt by a few businesses who think that when they buy “likes” and post them on their page that their customers would come in drones to engage with them which is a false notion similar to the false “likes” that they post.


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Belayet Hossain

I’m a tech enthusiast, entrepreneur, digital marketer and professional blogger equipped with skills in Digital Marketing, SEO, SEM, SMM, and lead generation. My objective is to simplify technology for you through detailed guides and reviews. I discovered WordPress while setting up my first business site and instantly became enamored. When not crafting websites, making content, or helping clients enhance their online ventures, I usually take care of my health and spend time with family, and explore the world. Connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or read my complete biography.